
Make Your Content Better With These 4 Tips

4 Steps to Better Content CurationSuperior curated content will bring you closer to being a thought leader, the “Go To” resource for fresh information. When you share topical content with key networks, you ‘ll also help your organization achieve marketing milestones.

The scope of curated content covers gathered information surrounding specific subject matter. Unlike content marketing , better content curation requires collecting information from multiple sources, and delivering it in an organized fashion. Even with a single project, organizing your content so that it can easily be located and updated is essential to functioning effectively. As the number of projects grow, organization means that you can find material on any given topic immediately and connect relevant content across multiple projects.

1. Choose a topic relevant to your product or service in a subject area you are well versed in

This content may be outside your product area but must be one that your brand is relevant to. You can think expansively when selecting content. IBM includes content that is just about as expansive as possible as it relates to building a smarter planet. Think about how your content can incorporate your brand specificity with a greater community connection.

The topic you choose must be relevant to your product or service, aligned with your brand keywords and focused on an area in which you have expertise and opinions. What’s more, it must also be a topic in which your brand can credibly stake a claim.

2. Understand your audience

Content directed at a particular service should be tailored to specific buyer personas and content curation must support this, too. The buyer persona represents a prospective customer and may include individuals outside your typical experience. The right content will convince them to become buyers

Search for buyer personas that are different from those you already have. You can do this by examining your current client base and finding customers who have characteristics that are somewhat atypical. Use these outliers as a target for new content and content curation. Expand your topic range to drive market expansion.

3. Restrict content curation topic range to be most effective

Broad topics will not return the leads you seek and neither will those that are too narrow. When selecting a range, imagine how many topics you can generate without repetition. A main topic that can be divided into a fair number of subtopics is best. When a current topic range does not work, meet the challenge by creating a new one more representative of current consumers and events.

4. Keep a mix of curated and original content

In many cases, consumers who find content manually or through automated means curate this information on their site, together with their own viewpoint. Thus curated and original content are presented together and include a personal perspective. Content curation along with original content helps marketers easily deliver an organization’s perspective to prospects, while updating them with current information directed specifically to them.

Understanding customers, selecting cogent curation topics, finding and organizing data and creating a good mix of curated and original content are drivers for enterprise success.

When seeking freelance writing jobs online, or to find other ways of better content curation, make sure to contact us to learn more


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