How to Merge Content Marketing with Mobile Design
Content marketing with mobile is the practicing of publishing and sharing content for the purpose of acquiring customers. It may refer to content on a variety of media, although the Internet is one of the most common forms of content marketing. Mobile web design involves designing a website to accommodate mobile devices, which have a much smaller viewing area than traditional computer monitors.
It’s one of the current web design trends that are growing due to the rapidly increasing popularity of mobile devices. Web design for small businesses often must allow for users with mobile devices, especially businesses in a specific geographical location. The necessity of providing quality content for mobile users is a challenge for today’s web designers.
Before It’s News reported in February on the difficulties of designing web content for small screens without sacrificing the design or content. It shows that a web site can provide a fulfilling experience to mobile users when its design is properly integrated with the site’s marketing strategy. Most website owners already understand that their mobile customers can use their devices to talk, text and surf the Internet. It’s less likely that they will realize how much a well-designed website can help attract mobile users. Tools such as GoMo Meter from Google show how a website will appear on a mobile device.
It is routinely necessary to omit important content when designing a website for small screens. This often requires the designer to create media queries that will change the information that appears on the screen. Mobile design may also involve building new content with these responsive techniques.
User Requirements
A designer must determine the needs of mobile users to optimize their experience on a website. This includes identifying the users, the information they will most likely be seeking on the website and the time of day they usually access the website. It’s also important to know the specific mobile devices that visitors are most likely to use. Each device has features that a designer can use to present content to a mobile user in an engaging manner. These features may include a browser, camera, GPS, phone and touch screen.
Multiple Devices
Mobile users are more likely to use multiple devices to view a website than traditional desktop users. Google reported in 2012 that two-thirds of users shop with more than one device, which occurs as they transition from browsing to making a purchase. For example, visitors to a shopping site often browse with a smartphone but switch to a tablet to use a shopping cart.
This process is known as multi-screening, which may occur simultaneously or sequentially. Designers must accommodate this type of browsing behavior by extending web content across multiple screens. For example, a television ad may display the URL of the website which viewers can access on their mobile device. Multi-screening generally requires a more responsive approach to presenting content to the user. This means that mobile design tends to make greater use website analytics to anticipate the needs of a particular user.
Device Limitations
Designers need to consider the limitations of mobile devices when designing a website. This typically means prioritizing content to determine which pieces of information are more important than others. Designers often need to collaborate with other team members to ensure that the mobile website displays the most valuable data. Selecting the right content to display will minimize the chances of a user losing interest while reading content on a mobile device. Designers must also simplify the design elements to prevent users from becoming frustrated as they navigate the website.
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