Video Marketing Success
Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research says one measly minute of online video is worth 1.8 million words. (Amazon’s now-missing Text Stats tool once figured that the average novel ran about 64,000 words). Add over 188 million Americans watching nearly 53 billion online videos; with so many words and so many eyeballs watching so many screens, you’ll need these 10 tips for video marketing success to stand out from the masses:
Size Matters
Video marketing researchers at Wistia discovered that 85% of people will watch a 30-second (or shorter) video to the end. That number tapers off the longer the video gets. Google’s YouTube researchers recommend staying under 3.5 minutes.
Think SEO
According to, your own YouTube channel and pertinent keywords can boost your videos’ visibility in a Google search. Because even if you make the coolest video ever, if nobody finds it, it won’t matter.
Make it Interactive
Draw the viewer in with a survey, a quiz, a game, social media buttons for what Nielsen researchers have found to be the all-important share on Facebook.
Be Customer Centric
Social marketing guru Mari Smith reminds us that today’s marketing is all about the relationship. Use videos to build trust and add value to your target audience’s life; don’t just talk about how awesome you are—nobody cares.
Video Everywhere
Put great videos on your website and in your email campaigns. According to Emarketer, video boosts engagement, sharing and conversion rates significantly, but that a lot of marketers aren’t using it yet; so just using it will help you stand out!
Speaking of adding value, there is nothing customers love more than stuff that makes their lives better. Use video tutorials as a way to show rather than tell potential customers how to use your product in ways that benefit them.
Make ‘Em Laugh
Leyl Master Black says people are more likely to engage with and share videos that are funny, which only makes sense. People would rather spend their short attention spans on humor, so ditch the formal and boring and “deliver the data with a punch line,” she says.
Social, Social, Social
Go back to that earlier report from Nielsen and you’ll see that people spend tons of time on Facebook compared with anything else, so make sure your videos are easy to share there, as well as other social media platforms.
Mobile Friendly
The other thing pointed out by the Nielsen stats is that people now spend more time watching videos on their mobile devices than their PCs… so again, brevity and ease of watching on a mobile device are key.
Hire a Professional
Casual, humorous, sharable, short, mobile… these are all crucial! But customers respond best to videos that are all that and a slice of well-produced cake. According to, a professionally-produced video will outshine a shoddy in-house production in terms of engagement by 30%.
Need someone to produce great video content for you? Need Video Marketing Success? Contact us today to find out how Artisan Talent can help.