Ever wondered what it’s like to be a Recruiter? What do they do all day? What does an external Recruiter do?
The best part about working with an external recruiter is that you both usually have the same goal — getting you placed with the employer. If you have gaps or other issues, they may be able to help you strategize a way to present yourself in the best light. Don’t expect them to help you figure out what you want to do, but do expect them to provide you with some insight into what is going on inside the employer’s organization – what the “hot” issues are, who are apt to be your allies in the hiring process, and who the real decision makers are.
A good relationship with an external recruiter can be an asset to your career for many years. Connect with them on LinkedIn. Send cards during the holidays. Refer top performers you know to these external recruiters to strengthen your relationship with them and help them to remember you with positive feelings.
We asked our very own Senior Recruiter Jocelyn Dinkel to shed some light on the mysterious life of a Creative & Digital Recruiter.
A Day in the Life of a Recruiter
Artisan: How did you end up in recruiting?
Jocelyn: I moved to Chicago six years ago and thought it was a good time to start a new career. I had been in retail and creative for 13 years prior. A close family friend was hiring in tech recruiting and BAM…a new exciting career! I was in tech recruiting for 1 year and now have been creative recruiting (the best kind of recruiting) for 4 years.
What’s the most rewarding part of your job?
I cannot express how much fun it is to place someone in an opportunity, have them thrive, and say it’s the best job they have ever had! It gives you amazing motivation and delight! Not to mention…we are helping build career so they can go build a life and be successful!
What’s the biggest mistake you see from job applicants?
Not selling themselves enough. If there is a time to avoid being modest, the now is the time.
Describe your typical work day
Our days change daily due to priorities shifting at a moments notice. The only thing I can guarantee myself daily is a small Hazelnut coffee with a Turbo Shot from Dunkin Donuts, and countless random outbursts of laughter because sometimes, in recruiting, you just have to laugh.
What’s the most important part of recruiting?
It doesn’t work well if you don’t have a connection with a talent or if you are not an engaging, empathetic person. We are advocates for the people we meet. In order to advocate we have to listen and be invested. My ideal talent is someone I can see myself building a longstanding relationship with. That builds trust which in turn creates successes for everyone! Trust is what makes me successful.
Do you have a favorite job type or position to recruit for?
I LOVE looking at portfolios. I am motivated by the pretty things. Whether it be artistic typography, copy riddled with puns, or a beautiful magazine layout. I am in love with all things creative.
What are some of your favorite ways to meet potential job candidates?
Network. network. network! We have the awesome opportunity to be on the inside with our affiliations with organizations like AIGA, IxDA and AMA. It’s important to be invested in the community because it reiterates the fondness and respect we have for the Chicago creative community.
What careers have you seen grow rapidly and what ones will continue to grow?
Anything digital. However good ‘ol fashion print design will never fade.
Any words of wisdom for aspiring creatives?
This is a unique and special industry, so embrace your chance at uniqueness, stand out and be you! There is nothing better than loving what you do.
Artisan Talent is a Digital and Creative Staffing Firm placing talent in jobs perfectly matched with their skills all over the US.
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