
Create Your Facebook Business Page in 5 Easy Steps

If you are looking for a job, consider spending less time playing Candy Crush and more time using Facebook to build your personal brand.

Create a Facebook Business Page

Business Insider just posted some fascinating research showing Facebook is still the social media behemoth in terms reach and engagement for its users. Then author and Silicon Valley legend Guy Kawasaki recently posted in PBS’s Mediashift that for writers, “There is no scenario under which thousands of social-media followers is not a good thing.” So to get started…

  1. Open the Facebook page creation site. Here you have the option to choose what type of page you want to build. Choosing the right category helps Facebook and search engines index you properly so that your page will appear more readily when someone searches for your writing services. So consider the type of jobs in creative writing that you are looking for and choose wisely; if you decide to change categories, you have to delete your page start again from scratch:
    • Local business or place
    • Artist, band or public figure
    • Company, organization or institution
    • Entertainment
    • Brand or product
    • Cause or community
  2. Enter your essential information. Again, think Search Engine Optimization when filling this out and don’t use “cute” or “mysterious” names. Be specific about your brand and location. You will also need to put some thought into:
    • The profile photo—This is the first thing people will see, so think about the image you want for your brand and the type of following you want to attract. Consider having a professional portrait done that will look good in 125×125 pixels.
    • The About section—A succinct, descriptive, SEO-friendly 2-3 sentence blurb about you and your services with a link to your website. Make this shine so it sets you apart from other writers.
  3. Get to know the Admin panel. This is where you can manage everything about your page. Specifically, you can edit your basic information (except your category), write a more detailed “description” (fleshing out the “About” section with more juicy details), and even select other page administrators. You can also “Build Your Audience” here, but before going crazy with that, skip to step 4 first:
  4. Create your content! This includes:
    • Your cover photo. Use this 851X315 pixel real estate to build your brand with a compelling, creative visual that appeals to potential clients and helps you create the image you are going after.
    • Posts. Post at least daily with engaging content that prompts our fans to interact with you. Ask questions, link to your blog, post funnies—anything that enhances how you engage with your fans.
    • Respond! In the upper-right area of your Admin panel, you can see messages and replies your fans are sending to your page. Respond and engage!
  5. View Insights: click this option on your Admin page to measure how well your Facebook page is meeting your goals.

Need ideas for building your personal brand or facebook business page? Contact us today to learn more.

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