Behance is a platform that allows many people with web design careers to showcase their portfolios of visual work such as graphic design, fashion, illustration, photography, and more. Mobile developers use ProSite to build and customize portfolio websites, which they host on the Behance Network. These websites have their own URLs, allowing them to display a member’s portfolio in a personalized environment.
The major phases of creating a portfolio site include the following:
- Layout
- Customization
- Pages
- Publication
The selection of a layout is the first step in creating a portfolio website with ProSite. The next step is to choose the projects in your Behance portfolio that you want to add to your ProSite website by dragging their icons into your Project List. You may continue to optimize your website after it goes live by making changes such as choosing a new layout.
Customize the look and feel of your ProSite website with the Design tab. This tab allows you to change dozens of design elements under the Layout and Style buttons. Scroll down the list to the left of the main panel to select elements such as page links, project links and dividers. An area of your website will be highlight as you hover over each section, indicating the significance of that section. Click a section to change it, and follow the instructions on the pop-up window.
Add pages such as gallery pages, link pages and custom pages to your ProSite website. A gallery page allows you to display additional projects, which you may use in a variety of ways. Designers often divide their projects into multiple pages according to criteria such as subject or date. Add your work to a gallery page by using the Projects tab. Customize the page with the Design tab.
Add a link page to control your site navigation. This type of page will redirect users to the website of your choice when they click on it. You’ll often use link pages on your ProSite website to take users to your blog.
Add a custom page to create a blank page that you can design however you choose. Locate this page in your pages list after you create it and select “Edit Page Content” on the gear dropdown to edit a custom page. Add embedded or uploaded content to the page with the Remote button.
Publish your ProSite website after you’re happy with its look and feel. This requires you to upload the website’s content and a cover image. Crop the cover image and give it with a title. You will also need to fill in several fields such as creative fields, search tags and their description.
You’ll have the option of providing additional information such as copyright options, tools used and visibility settings. Click the “Publish Project” button to publish the project. Click the “Settings” button from your main ProSite page and ensure the “Project Visible To” dropdown box isn’t set to “Private”. This action will allow you to view your project on the Portfolio page.
Contact us today to learn more about how to showcase your design work in the best light on Behance.
Emmet M is a freelance writer available on WriterAccess, a marketplace where clients and expert writers connect for assignments.