
Job Description Traffic Coordinator

Traffic coordinators know every aspect of a company’s workflow and production processes, and can be trusted to keep things moving under pressure and on tight deadlines. Traffic coordinator jobs demand organization, attention to detail, adaptability, and sometimes a diplomatic touch.

The Traffic Coordinator gets things done. Their job is to stay on top of all of the pieces that make up a marketing or ad campaign, ensuring they stay on deadline and on budget. When companies undertake multi-platform strategic branding campaigns, they hire an Advertising Traffic Coordinator to keep things organized.

The Traffic Manager’s main duty is to be a sort of traffic cop; they direct the workflowto and from internal marketing communications teams. In an advertising agency, this may be one of the most important roles in the business. The Marketing Traffic Coordinator controls the red light/green light of a creative project or marketing campaign. They understand how all of the pieces come together and are tasked with making sure everything is accomplished to task. Media traffic coordinator jobs require candidates who can coordinate and track the status of multiple projects and keep things running smoothly across a business.

Traffic Coordinator Skills Needed

Traffic Coordinators are extremely organized, methodical and detail-oriented. They are excellent communicators of concise, accurate deadline-driven information. They understand people and should know instinctively when to push and when to let things simmer as they work to keep departments on track.

A Traffic Manager’s duties include working with business teams to collaborate on marketing plans that stretch across all media outlets. As a result, they must rank high in interpersonal and communication skills. They are patient and are excellent at managing stress and pressure.

During a multi-faceted marketing campaign, departments constantly relay information back and forth related to many minute details. The Traffic Coordinator is expert at tracking and disseminating information related to these developments. If you want to keep your projects organized, a Traffic Coordinator is imperative for your organization.

Suggested Software Proficiency

The Traffic Coordinator needs to be absolutely expert in the Microsoft suite of products. Excel may be particularly important. But reporting on time spent and profitability, expenses, client reporting and task and timelines can all be managed with project manager software. Some examples include:

While there are hundreds of project management software packages,  a good Traffic Coordinator will likely know their way around a few of them.

Traffic Coordinator

Need to Get Organized? Look for a Traffic Coordinator Today!

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