
Looking into the Present and Future of Content Curation

The Future of Content Curation

Using curated content to boost website value is a concept that is just starting to make waves, but soon it will become a storm of importance in custom web design. Understanding what curation of content is and how it can help draw in visitors searching for answers is an essential piece of knowledge any designer needs to learn today.

Looking into the Present and Future of Content Curation Curated content has become a valuable part of the new networking concept of social media promotion. By using or offering for use any content of special interest, the webmaster or designer hopes to increase website visitation by new and return viewers. With focused valuable content and links posted in targeted places online, the originator or person using another person’s creative content hopes to gain viewers who are interested in that element. Soon, those visitors return, considering you a good resource and searching for more links of interest to them.


Curated content can become “viral” and multiply viewership into the millions. By including links as part of that content, the originator has a good chance of getting fabulous results from new visitors. This is true also when someone borrows your creative content and adds a citation link back to your website as part of the package. Thus, it is wise to encourage curation of your content on other websites. By the same token, using excellent content from other websites as content on your own or your client’s websites gives you a tool to draw in visitors and step up your website visibility in search results.

The Future of Content Curation

The Excitement of Content Curation

The excitement generated by this potential benefit is real and here now; it can only increase in the future as others gain knowledge of the promotional power borrowed content can create. Rather than seeing it as a bad thing and stealing, website designers should be happy to offer such content, provided there is a stipulation added that includes mutual promotion benefits that linking can create. Use the best you can find of text content, video clips, photos and other graphic images for content. You can dress these elements up with appropriate SEO measures for optimum results, but remember to keep it focused and on topic rather than just posting a scattered bunch of information or sales pitches.

Top Results

Top results in previous use of curation of content are easily seen when you look at IMDB, YouTube, Expedia, and other websites that receive millions of visitors on a regular basis. As search engines look more closely at social networking relationships, they are bound to include this concept that utilizes social opinion as a measure of website value.

If you are a freelancer offering custom web design, be sure to investigate the potential and benefit curation of content can bring to you and your client. You are basically archiving the best of the best and reaping rewards from that use. It is win-win for all involved, including your clients. As word of your knowledge spreads, you will attract more work than you can handle, and at the same time increase your worth as a designer.


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