If you’ve never seen Philippe Dubost’s online social media resume, widely considered to be one of the most unique in existence, then you may not know the extent to which anyone can use the internet to market themselves professionally. Dubost is a web product manager who employed his skills and inventiveness to create a webpage that looks just like an Amazon.com product page, complete with “product” details, customer reviews (from his previous employers), and a cleverly placed hyperlink to his LinkedIn profile.
Dubost’s online social media resume is original in every sense of the word, but he’s not the only individual out there using the power of the web and social media to build his personal brand and make himself a hot commodity among prospective employers. Sparks of brilliance abound, offering keen insight into how one motivated individual can set themselves apart from the rest of the pack of traditional resume-wielding job hunters. Here are a few suggestions on how you can do the same.
Build Your Own Website
Don’t rely on third party social networking sites like LinkedIn and Facebook to represent you. Customization of social media profiles is extremely limited and can effectively make you “look” just like everyone else. While social media outlets are important to give you the widest online visibility possible, building your own website and imbuing it with a touch of your own personality is essential – as is choosing the right URL that people can easily remember and access at any time. Blogging online regularly and publishing your blogs through your website also helps boost your search engine visibility.
Use Multimedia to Your Advantage
One of the key advantages of having an online resume is your ability to include multimedia to enhance the experience and make you stand out. Standard paper or .doc resumes can be, in comparison, extremely boring and two-dimensional. Uploading professional photos or using video to introduce yourself to website visitors is a powerful way of breaking through the barrier and giving interested parties an insight into who you are, as well as what you do.
Don’t Forsake Your Social Media Profiles
You may have heard a lot of advice about the need to stay away from social media sites, all the better to keep your private and professional lives separate. But deleting your Facebook profile could be a mistake because you’ll be cutting off a highly visible avenue for future clients and employers to discover you. Bearing in mind that your activities across social media have the potential to make or break your professional opportunities, you can use sites like Facebook to network with others in your field and share career achievements that effectively advertise your personal abilities and help build your personal brand. Keep it professional and classy, and always leverage social media to cross-promote your website.
Non Traditional Channels
It’s been reported that 80 percent of jobs and internal promotions are filled through non-traditional channels. In other words, the vast majority of jobs aren’t even advertised, and the lucky few who do manage to land those jobs most often do so as a result of marketing themselves through creative methods. By setting aside some time, focusing on tapping into a truly creative idea, and using the tools that you have at your fingertips, you can position yourself to be among the fortunate and the small in number.
Check back with us frequently for more social media campaign tips, job interview techniques, and self-employment advice that can help push your career to new levels of success. To learn how you can use Artisan Talent to find work opportunities in freelance graphic design, web design, or app development, contact us today.
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