
Using Twitter to Help Fuel Your Job Search

For some of us, Twitter is a self-indulgent habit that distracts us from work. But that addiction can be harnessed to find creative employment. The trick is using Twitter in a pointed and strategic way. Reposting whatever George Takei just threw up on the web probably isn’t going to help you find creative staffing openings, but these job hunting tips should put you on the right path to finding work through social media.

Be the Fly in the Ointment

When you sign onto Twitter or Facebook, you probably find an echo chamber of hundreds of people issuing the exact same opinion. When you’re merely a voice in the crowd, people don’t see you, they see the crowd. On the other hand, if you can be not the naysayer, but the one who delivers the unpleasant truth, the more complex version of the story, you may ruffle some feathers, but you won’t be ignored. Don’t disrespect others or push for cheap, manufactured controversy. But don’t shy away from real controversy, either.

Using Twitter to Help Fuel Your Job Search Be Worth Retweeting

“Just updated my portfolio” is not worth retweeting. A funny joke is worth retweeting. A great piece of advice is worth retweeting. An awesome Photoshop tutorial is worth retweeting. A big part of getting a job through Twitter is getting retweeted, developing a following, and the only way to do that is to be worth retweeting.

Generosity Trumps All

The most important thing to remember when it comes to social media is this: generosity. Whenever you type out a new tweet, ask yourself what you’re giving to people with it. Even if all you’re giving them is a good laugh, that’s something. Always be giving; always be sharing.

Beyond these key points, everything you know about making friends applies to finding work Twitter. It’s about giving if you want to receive. Or to paraphrase an American movie classic, be excellent to one another and ye shall receive.

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