
Web Designers: 5 Signs Your Days are Numbered

Web Designers 5 Signs Your Days are NumberedWhether you work for a professional web design company or as a freelancer, your job security as a website designer depends on your clients’ level of satisfaction. When a client isn’t pleased with your work, you may find yourself looking for a new position. Below are five common web design mistakes that could cause your client to look for a replacement.

1. You are converting your client’s website to Flash

When it comes to search engine optimization, HTML is much more effective than Flash. To maximize a website’s search engine rankings, you should avoid the use of Flash unless it’s essential. Since Flash isn’t supported by all browsers, using it may also make it more difficult for visitors to navigate the site. If you decide to convert your client’s site to Flash in spite of these drawbacks, your client may not be willing to keep you on the payroll.

2. You aren’t taking search engine optimization seriously

A website’s search engine rankings have a profound effect on the amount of traffic the site receives, and the rules for ranking well on Google and other search engines are constantly changing. If you aren’t keeping up with emerging trends and doing everything you can to increase these rankings, you may lose the job as a result. For example, if you are using images in the place of headers, or if you aren’t using the proper HTML tags to designate headers, you are missing key opportunities for SEO.

3. You aren’t accommodating your client’s needs or desires

As a designer, you may believe that you know best when it comes to site layouts and content. However, if your client is making specific requests, you should always do your best to accommodate them. For example, your client may want to include specific calls-to-action, or he may want to write some of the site’s content himself. Even if you disagree with his ideas, saying “no” may land you in unemployment.

4. You won’t allow your client to update the site

Designers are sometimes reluctant to allow the client to make changes to the website without help or approval, especially in the middle of a redesign. However, if your client wants to update the site on his own and isn’t able to do so for a long period of time, he may start looking for a designer who is a little more flexible.

5. You are putting appearance before organization

Websites exist to serve the user. While aesthetics can enhance user experience, you should never sacrifice logical organization or usability just to make the site more visually appealing. If you do, users will become confused, and your client may seek out another web designer.

Are you looking for a freelance web designer job? If so, Artisan specializes in matching qualified applicants with viable job opportunities. Contact us today to learn more.


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