social media

How to Use Social Media to Expand Your Tech Savvy

Using Social Media to Expand Your Tech Savvy Looking for employment? You need to stay on top of the relevant technology. You […]

User Experience with Quora: A Social Media Love-Hate Relationship

Quora User Experience  Some internet habitués love it while others hate it. However, many online commentators are simply shaking their […]

Twitterific Social Media Marketing Ideas

Social Media Marketing Ideas Whether your business is just getting started or celebrating its 20th anniversary, Twitter can be a […]

Traditional and New Duties of an Interactive Marketing Manager

The classic duties of managerial marketing careers are evolving to reflect the needs of the digital marketplace. Their overall focus, however, remains to develop and execute successful strategies that generate revenue, keep customers satisfied and strengthen their brand.

Social Networking Savvy

It is important to get your social networking information out so that people can link up with you on the Web. […]

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