Wondering how to become a web designer? Looking to take a new direction in your career or expand your role? While there are certainly college programs out there for prospective web design professionals, going back to school for a four-year degree is not the only way to learn the trade.
How to Succeed When You Become a Web Designer
To succeed at web design today, you need to learn WordPress as it is the most used CMS today. Understanding HTML, CSS, and at least one programming language (such as PHP, Java or C++) is a also a necessity to be able to customize pages beyond the basics. Beyond the design techniques, your clients may expect you to understand the basics of SEO, system administration, and project management too. The position of a “marketing generalist” is on the rise. While there are many things to learn if you want to enter the world of web design, luckily, there are different ways to do so.
Here are three paths you can take to achieve your digital dreams:
1. Apprentice Yourself
Working with an established web designer can be a great way to grow your skills. Not only will you learn how to design websites from an inside source, but it can be a win-win scenario as you can provide assistance on some of the designers day-to-day work. An apprenticeship can be paid or unpaid, the key is to find a situation that works well for you.
2. Take the (Non-Traditional) Classroom Approach
Today, learning in the classroom doesn’t mean that you need a teacher in front of you writing on the white board. Many colleges offer online classes, of course, but there are also many courses available online for free—if you look. Check with local community colleges, libraries, and the chamber of commerce to see if there are any offerings, or see if there are any design options that tempt you on this list. If you have the budget to spend a little money, check out online classrooms like Lynda.com.
3. Design and Design Some More
For many people, the best way to learn a new skill is to “just do it.” Design pages, and lots of them. Create a page for yourself, your dog, your uncle that sells diet pills online, your mom’s teddy bear collecting club and for your favorite local watering hole. Create pages for free or for next to nothing if it gives you practice that you need. Your skills will grow! Check out local non-profits or volunteer organizations in your area and offer to spruce up their sites.
While you could choose any of these approaches in your quest to become a web designer (or potentially go the traditional college approach if you choose), your goal is always going to be the same—to grow your skills in an ever-changing field. Once you have developed your skills and are looking for job opportunities, Artisan Talent is your next destination.
Contact us today to learn more about how our platform helps build professional relationships between companies and creative individuals like yourself.
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