The basics of utilizing online marketing include the ability of your business to actually cut through the digital clutter to make a lasting impression with your target audience. (Not sure who your target audience is? Click here to read that “Back to Basics” blog). There is so much information at everyone’s fingertips each day, figuring out where to start this process will be daunting – but only if you start at the wrong place. The truth is, the best way to figure out how to forge lasting relationships by using digital media is to go back to the basics of reviewing your target audience and their buying patterns. Understanding how to reach them is all about understanding what issues are particularly important to them. Here are three easy steps for reaching your digital target audience.
Step One – Appear in their Social Circles
Don’t wait for the audience to come to you. We all know how powerful social media is. Understanding where your target audience is hanging out online will go a long way toward helping your business reach buyers. For example, if your target audience is a professional crowd, the LinkedIn platform may be the best place for your brand to appear. Setting up a professional page for your business, posting content, and staying active on this platform is a low cost way to reach them. Trying to appeal to photographers? Try Instagram.
Step Two – Google
When a potential customer is searching for your type of business, where do you appear on Google or other search engines? Redesigning your website could help you appear higher on a search, which could mean a potential client picks you over your competitor.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of using backlinks and keywords to help your businesses appear higher up in a search. Search engines like Google value unique, relevant content; simply put, these search engines are designed to find the best website based on certain characteristics, and naturally elevate them to the top of the search pile. Finding the right keywords and including them in your website language, publishing unique content frequently, and making sure your sites is linked to other sites are all important techniques that could improve your search engine rankings.
Step Three – Content
Creating and maintaining a blog with helpful information for potential clients is a low cost way to add value by becoming a thought leader. Ask yourself the following questions:
- What is it that my company does that could provide valuable information to my clients?
- What knowledge can I share that will make my clients lives a little easier?
The content you create can take the form of video, slideshow, or text. Repost the content across all social media channels. This will help improve your SEO.
Step Four – And More
Artisan Talent helps businesses go back to basics by providing the professionals to enhance your marketing resources that can help you build your online presence. Interested in learning what the fourth, fifth, and sixth step to upping your digital footprint? Contact us today to find out how we help pair companies with perfect employees so they can compete in the digital stream.
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