If you’re an aspiring videographer or other digital creative professional who wants to showcase web video production, you need to have a YouTube Chanel. Artisan has one! See our YouTube video channel here. As you’re probably already well aware, YouTube is a high profile medium where people from professionals to amateurs can go to publish their self-made videos. In fact, YouTube has over a billion users — almost one-third of all people on the Internet — and every day people watch hundreds of millions of hours on YouTube and generate billions of views (source). But before you start uploading your entire portfolio for the world to see, consider the following dos and don’ts that’ll ensure you come off looking more pro than newbie.
Dos and Don’ts for Creating Your Own YouTube Video Channel
- Do play to your strengths
If you’ve already created a body of work, don’t just throw everything up there. Instead, go through your portfolio of video production and film creations and select clips that show off your best abilities. While you’re at it, don’t forget to cater to the brief attention span of the average web browser. Posting videos that are too long rarely get viewed in full. - Don’t be afraid to take the leap
All too often, perfectly talented people put off taking the plunge for fear that their work will be poorly critiqued or that they’ll “put something out there” that won’t be representative of their abilities. The great news is that anything that can be uploaded to YouTube can also be removed. - Do collaborate with other YouTube video channel owners and video creators
This is a great way to build an audience. By communicating with other professionals like yourself or people who run YouTube video channels that showcase work similar to yours, you can grow your audience exponentially by agreeing to host “guest videos.” This type of cross-promotion can work wonders at getting your work seen. - Don’t publish all of your videos on the same day
Spread them out evenly over time. Develop a publication schedule for your videos – once per week, for example, or once per day if you’ve got tons of clips you want to upload – so that people have a chance to see your videos as they’re posted. Putting up too many at a time can lead to people inadvertently overlooking your recent posts. - Do tag your videos honestly
One of the biggest mistakes that you could possibly make in trying to attract an audience is to fool viewers into thinking they’re going to watch something that’s not there. Many video users have taken the approach of tagging their videos with trending keywords in an attempt at drawing an audience. This can backfire. No one enjoys a bait-and-switch. - Don’t ignore feedback
You can learn a lot about where you need to improve and what you’re doing well by paying attention to constructive criticism. On the other hand, don’t let purposefully nasty comments spoil it for you. - Do engage your audience
Anytime people leave you feedback, respond to them. This will help you build up a base of consistent viewers, which is necessary if you want to improve your online profile. Avoid addressing nasty criticism, as nobody wants to watch a war of words unfold.
Once you’ve got your YouTube video channel up and running, you can link prospective clients to it so they can check it out for themselves. Ask people to like, comment, share your posts. Tweet to Artisan @ArtisanTalent and let us know it’s up so we can give you some love too!
Artisan is a talent recruitment agency that works to partner all manner of creative professionals – from videographers to professional web development experts – with clients seeking their services. Get started by visiting www.artisantalent.com.
Editors Note: This post has been revamped from its original version and freshened up for accuracy, timeliness, and to help you get that job.
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