social media

How To Use LinkedIn for Job Search

If one of your New Year’s resolutions was getting a new job, rethinking your LinkedIn for job search strategy is […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Using Social Media to Network

Are you using social media to network? Maintaining a steady stream of freelance employment means maintaining a quality client list, […]

Don’t Post That! 4 Social Media Posts to Avoid

For many, the advent of social media is the best thing since the online job search board. It can be […]

Your Way to Serious Instagram Visibility

Instagram is an effective social media campaign for making an organization more visible to customers, and often comprises part of […]

How To Write A Business Blog: Finding Ideas

 While business owners and freelancers alike have discovered that blogging online is a simple way to attract consumers to a […]

Business Leaders Must Embrace Social Media Now

Embrace Social Media Now or many of us, social media sites like MySpace and Facebook have seemed little more than time-wasters […]

Save Yourself From These 3 Big-Time Hiring Time-Wasters

3 Big-Time Hiring Time-Wasters  When you’re ready to hire a web designer, taking the time to prepare properly can save […]

Most Hiring Companies Now Using Social Networks to Vet Applicants

Social media networks have become the water coolers of the twenty-first century. Only instead of reaching a single person at a time, one can now share views about last night’s American Idol, thoughts on the President, or information about drinking habits with the entire world. As cool as that is and as influential as that may make people feel, there’s an enormous drawback to that kind of power. Anyone can read along. Anyone can make judgments, and the original writer may never get a chance to respond.

Why Photos Are the Best Way to Engage Followers in Social Media

The Best Way to Engage Followers in Social Media Using photos on your website as an interactive marketing strategy is […]

Why Everyone’s Crazy About Infinite Scrolling

Infinite scrolling is not a new phenomenon, but in recent months web designers have gone crazy over it. The increase […]

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