web design

How to Effectively Use Icons in Web Design

How to Effectively Use Icons in Web Design No matter how much experience you have using icons on web design […]

Most Drop-Down Menus Should Die, and Here’s Why

Drop-Down Menus Should Die Today’s web designers have so many options to consider when creating pages for their clients. One […]

The Beauty of Simplicity: How Keeping Your Website Design Clean Could Do Wonders for Business

What is Clean Design?  Designing with simplicity can bring beauty and efficiency to a business. Designing in a clean style […]

Why Websites No Longer Need to Worry About Meta Data

Do Not worry about Meta Data Meta Data and Meta tags just Aren’t what they used to be. Once considered […]

What’s Your Web Development Life Story?

Web Development Life Story  We’d like to introduce you to a growing technology consultancy firm in beautiful Downtown Chicago. It needs a uniquely […]

Lean Is In: Why It’s a Good Idea to Present a Quick, Trim Website

Lean Website Design Is In  This year, complex website design is out, and streamlined, lean designs are in. There are […]

Experts Weigh In on the Best Jobs for 2013

If you’ve been looking for the best jobs for any length of time and you’re running out of options, you […]

Putting Together a Portfolio to Get You Hired

You’ll find that all freelance job agencies are looking for different things within your portfolio, but one thing that will always turn them off is technical glitches in your online portfolio. If the functionality of your site is in question, why should a prospective employer assume you’ll do good for their site? This holds true even if the design job you are aiming for is not web.

Why Hiring a Freelance Designer Can Help Your Project Succeed

Many small businesses would never consider hiring a full-time designer for their company. However, some growing businesses find the need […]

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