client advice

The Pros and Cons of App Builder Sites vs. Hiring a Freelance Developer

Some business owners dream of creating a mobile app that will go viral and bring them international attention and acclaim. […]

How to Improve Office Communication

Can Your Hear Me Now? In 2016 it seems the more we communicate the less we are understood, especially when […]

Back to Basics: The Art of the Upsell

Our “Back to Basics” series revisits some tried and true marketing techniques! Read on for basic pointers of classic advice […]

How To Make Sure Deadlines Are Kept

Deadlines are a way of life for many. If you’ve added to your team to help get the work done […]

Take The Stress Out Of Seasonal Hiring

No matter what type of business you run, hiring is part of your life. And, there are likely times of […]

Back to Basics: Old School Marketing Techniques

Spending Less = Making More Marketing has gotten increasingly sophisticated. Demographics allow you to divide and conquer your target audience […]

Back to Basics: Who is Your Target Audience?

Let’s revisit the marketing basics of the target audience. In today’s digitized speed-of-light world, marketing has become increasingly complex, personalized, […]

National Old Stuff Day: Making the Old New Again

March 2nd – National “Old Stuff” Day That’s right. There’s actually an unofficial holiday designed to make us reflect on […]

7 Signs Your Website Needs an Update

We Heart the 90s (But Not When It Comes to Your Website) Web design is an evolving art form, with […]

How Delegating Work Among Freelancers Can Help a Project Finish On Time

You’ve heard delegation as a buzzword before, but do you actually do it? Delegating work to get a project done […]

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