web design

White Space: Convincing Clients it’s Critical

Clients often have a funny idea of what it is that they’re paying for when they hire a graphic designer. […]

Free Social Media Tools

Looking for social media tools for your business? Do you have a limited budget to spend on social marketing? When […]

Quick Lesson: Image Resize, Creating Graphic Designs for Print

There are three main ways to image resize items from the Adobe Suite to fit onto a print-sized product. Using […]

Top Web Designer Firefox Tools

Firefox has many tools that make designing websites highly efficient. However, do you know about the Firefox Developer Tools? Firefox […]

Clickable Wireframes and the User Experience

What are clickable wireframes and why are they tied to the user experience? A UI designer routinely uses clickable wireframes […]

Embrace Responsive Web Design (RWD)

Have you embraced Responsive Web Design yet? Responsive web design, or RWD, resolves many of the problems associated with today’s multi-device […]

3 Fantastic Items for Your Web Design Toolkit

Web Design Toolkit There are several tools that work well for Web design projects, but some are better than others […]

PowerPoint Presentation Tips: Connecting with your Audience

Beyond PowerPoint: How to Connect with Your Audience during a Presentation So you have a knockout PowerPoint presentation. Great. But […]

How To: Authentic Web Design

According to HubSpot, photographs are becoming increasingly more important in web design. No one knows that better than Shutterstock, which […]

Designing with Continuous Scrolling

One of the hottest trends in creative marketing right now is the use of continuous scrolling on websites. Social media […]

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